The Bengaluru North University has assigned 30 marks for internal assessment. The marks are ear-marked in the following way
a. Attendance: 5 marks (96% to 100% - 5 marks, 90 to 95% - 4 marks, 85 to 89% - 3 marks, 80 to 84% - 2 marks and 76 to 79 – 1 mark)
b. Assignment: 5 marks
c. First Test: 8 marks
d. Preparatory Exam: 12 marks
Total: 30 marks
Internal Marks (NEP BATCH)
From the academic year 2021-2022 National education policy has been implemented. The internal marks calculations will be as follows:
Total internal marks = 40
Which is Bifurcated as C1+C2 = 40
C1 = 20 marks which include:
First unit test |
10 marks |
Seminar ,presentation or activity |
10 marks |
C2 = 20 marks which include:
Preparatory Exams |
10 marks |
Case study, Assignment or Project/field work |
10 marks |
N.B.: If any student feels that he or she is discriminated by any teacher in the internal assessment marks, the student concerned could first meet with the teacher and discuss it. If unsatisfied, the matter could be referred to the Coordinator of the Department. The student concerned if still not happy could address the letter to the Grievance Officer.
The Grievance Officer along with the members will look into their decision will be final.
Chair Person
Dr. Sr. Sagayamary B
Head of the Institution
Mrs. Zeena Lobo
Rev. Sr. Deepa George FDCC
Rev. Fr. Vinoo Fabian
Mrs. Saranya