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St. Aloysius Degree College
and Center for Post-Graduation Studies

St. Aloysius group of institution, in Cox town Bengaluru is an established group of institution with over 75 years of experience in the education industry. Our prestigious college was established in 2008 and offer Pre-University, Under Graduate and Post Graduate Programmes. Our institution has taken a calculative and holistic approach on education. We believe education is more than knowledge and has multi facades.

  • Graduation Programs
  • Post-Graduation

Caring for the whole person:

An Important principle of Aloysian education is care for the whole person. The philosophy of education here places a student's humanity first, creating a personalised educational environment.

Discovering Talents:

St. Aloysius Degree college enables the students to discover their talents through an array of opportunities such as workshops, presentations, debates, sports , cultural programs and other co-

Enlivening Centuries Old Catholic Tradition

Our aspiration is to provide an education that can nurture individuals who will change the world for the better. It is this ideology that remains the core of the mission


Dr. Sr. Sagayamary SJT


We are very excited to announce the launch of our newly designed website. Visit us at After so much hard work and dedication,...

Rev. Fr. Anthony Mahendran

Manager & Correspondent

Interaction is a means to build a relation with anyone and anything, it’s a simple way of sharing information. The media plays the role of sharing information from one end to another...

St. Aloysius Degree College

News and Events

St. Aloysius Degree College and Center for Post-Graduation Studies is vibrant and active, there is always something to look out for! Find out what’s the latest news and events in this page.



  • 7
    Acres of Lush Campus
  • 15
  • 5000
  • 130
    Years in Education Industry